• Milan | Viale Bligny 11 - 20136 (MI)
  • | Mon - Wed - Fri, 8 a.m. - 6:30 p.m. | Tue - Thu, 11:30 a.m. - 8 p.m

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Our quick and easy booking service allows you to book all kinds of services.
Home|Session of Massotherapy (30 minutes)

Session of Massotherapy (30 minutes)


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Our quick and easy booking service allows you to book all kinds of services.

Massage therapy is a manual therapy technique based on massage and aimed at the recovery of muscle tone and a consequent reduction of pain, which allows this type of treatment to have beneficial effects on the psychological level as well.

The Greek origin of the term “massage therapy” allows us to fully understand the benefit this manual therapy has for patients; in fact, the literal translation of the two words that make up the term “massage therapy” is “cure by shaping the hands.” Thus, the beneficial effects of massage therapy treatments can be traced to improved blood circulation, enhanced lymphatic drainage, stimulation of endorphins, and a blocking of nerve signals that allows the patient to experience less muscle-tendon tension and pain.

You cannot undergo massage therapy treatments if you have fractures (in the area affected by the fracture), wounds, skin infections, circulation problems, if you have undergone surgery in the short term, if you have central nervous system disorders with spasms, if you have kidney or heart failure, if you have a fever, if you have dermatitis or neoplasms, and if you are in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The massage therapy treatments that can be booked at Euromedica Assistance medical center are: relaxing massage (30, 45, or 60 minutes), decontracting massage (30, 45, or 60 minutes ), the massage therapy session (30, 45, or 60 minutes), and the anti-cellulite treatment (45 minutes).

Physiotherapy and Manual Therapy
